When you consult with a Massachusetts criminal defense attorney after being charged with domestic violence, they will look at numerous factors to determine if your case is strong enough to go to court or if you need to look at potentially negotiating a plea deal. Here are some of the criteria evaluated and how an experienced domestic violence defense attorney can assist you.
What the Medical Records Say
If there are medical records from a hospital or doctor’s visit shortly after the alleged event, your lawyer will want to review these. Depending on what the medical records include, this may be either beneficial or detrimental to your case. Photographs of violent injuries tend to make judges and juries react emotionally and may make it difficult for them to consider other reasons for those injuries.
If There Are Witness Testimonies
If a witness has provided testimony against you, this may complicate your case. Often, domestic violence cases occur between two people, and it’s a “he said, she said” sort of situation. When someone else indicates they saw what happened, courts tend to take that version of events more seriously, particularly if it corroborates the victim’s story. However, a witness statement maintaining that you did not engage in the domestic abuse you are being accused of can help strengthen your case.
If Enough Evidence Exists
Because many cases of domestic violence happen behind closed doors and without witnesses, there may not be much evidence against you. Your attorney will question the prosecution’s evidence and how it pertains to your case, ideally weakening the validity of whatever evidence they are planning to bring to trial. Without enough evidence to prove you committed the act beyond a shadow of a doubt, you are much less likely to be convicted.
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Tom Kokonowski Criminal Defense knows how serious domestic violence charges are, even if the allegations are false. Your reputation and future are at stake, and you need someone aggressive and zealous who understands Massachusetts law to defend your rights. Contact our office today for a consultation at 774-561-2689.